Dienstag, 4. November 2008

My community

My community St. Georgen/Gusen

In St. Georgen/Gusen live about 4000 people. We have a kindergarden, a primary school, a secondary modern school, a music school and a polytechnical school.
On the picture you can see our brandnew "Activepark 4222".
The big, orange building is the secondary modern school.
St.Georgen/Gusen is a very modern community, we have 6 grocery stores, a pensionary home, a fire brigade, a police station and a red-cross station, a music club, two bakeries and a lot of other shops.

We also have a lot of programm for the younger one's. There is a swimming pool, three bars to go out, a youth room and much more.
We also have two restaurants at the market place and one pizza restaurant, a "Würstelstand" and two "Kebapstände"

Our mayor is Erich Wahl, he is a member of the Social Democrats.

What I like about my community is, that we live near Linz and that St. Georgen/Gusen is a very modern community.

pensionary home primary school
community center

1 Kommentar:

MyBlogPanholzer hat gesagt…

I can see your house..:D